4EVER-2: For Enhanced Video ExpeRience [2015-2017; French Fonds unique interministériel (FUI)]
The 4EVER-2 project has the objective to define and validate the next generation Ultra HD TV services. In particular, the project is working on new technologies for High Dynamic Range, Wide Colour Gamut and High Frame Rate, tackling acquisition, compression, transmission and visual quality assessment aspects.
PLEIN−PHARE: Cost-effective improvement of a video surveillance processing pipeline by exploiting HDR imaging analysis and rendering technologies (Projet d’améLioration bas−coût d’unE chaIne de vidéosurveillaNce Par l’exploitation de technologies HDR d’Analyse et de REstitution) [2014-2017; French Fonds unique interministériel (FUI)]
The PLEIN-PHARE project targets the improvement of video surveillance systems by overcoming current limitations when operating in difficult illumination conditions. More specifically, the project is developing cost-effective High Dynamic Range imaging at the acquisition, analysis and display steps.
SURICATE: Networks and infrastructures monitoring by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUrveillance de Réseaux et d’InfrastruCtures, de milieux, par des systèmes AéroporTés Endurants) [2014-2017; French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)]
The SURICATE project is considering the surveillance of large critical infrastructures (e.g. transport network with SNCF train tracks and energy with EDF powerlines) using enduring Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Research topics include video analysis, compression and transmission.